Complex Wills
If your individual circumstances mean that you require a more complex Will or specific complex advice then we can offer additional services to you. We are able to prepare complex Wills for members and their family if they live with the member.
Some questions you may wish to consider are:
- Do you require “Property Protection” (Life Interest Trust) to allow your partner/spouse to continue living in your property whilst protecting your share for specific beneficiaries (i.e. your children)?
- Do you wish to include a vulnerable beneficiary who is unable to manage their financial affairs or are in receipt of benefits?
- Do you wish to sever your tenancy to change the ownership from beneficial joint tenants (where the surviving joint owner automatically inherits a deceased’s share in the property) to tenants in common (allowing the share owned by the deceased to pass in accordance with their Will)?
- Do you have business assets or a high value estate?
We aim to finalise a complex Will within 4-6 weeks from receipt of full clear instructions.
For information about the cost of these services and our fees, please visit our fees page or call us on 0300 333 0303 and select option 3