Simple Wills
As part of your membership you are entitled to a free “simple Will”. A “simple Will” is a straightforward Will gifting your estate to persons such as your spouse/partner, family or friends and including alternative provisions in the event of those original beneficiaries dying before you.
You may include a maximum of three levels of beneficiaries and a maximum of ten named residuary beneficiaries in specified percentages or a class of beneficiaries (i.e. “my grandchildren”). An example of a “simple Will” would be where you gift your estate to your spouse but if they die before you then you gift your estate to your children then your grandchildren.
You are also able to list a maximum of five specific gifts (i.e. a specific item of jewellery) and five money gifts (i.e. £500).
Member’s Family Wills
Through your membership we can prepare Wills on behalf of your family members. The family members are entitled to use this service if they live at the same address as the member and provide evidence of this. Parents of the member may also be entitled, whether or not they live with the member, if they are retired. The member’s spouse/partner will be entitled to this service if their Will does not mirror the members Will.
The family member or spouse/partner will need to provide Unionline with the member’s Union membership number and the member will need to contact us directly to give their authority for us to proceed.
Our Process
Once full instructions are received, we will prepare a draft Will and post this to the client. Once this has been approved we then dispatch the final Will for signing. We ask that the final Will or a copy thereof be returned in order that we may check that the Will has been validly executed. We aim to finalise a simple Will within 4 weeks from receipt of full clear instructions.